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JsonConvert Methods

Public methodStatic memberDeserializeAnonymousType<T>(String, T)
Deserializes the JSON to the given anonymous type.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeAnonymousType<T>(String, T, JsonSerializerSettings)
Deserializes the JSON to the given anonymous type using JsonSerializerSettings.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeObject(String)
Deserializes the JSON to a .NET object.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeObject(String, JsonSerializerSettings)
Deserializes the JSON to a .NET object using JsonSerializerSettings.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeObject(String, Type)
Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeObject(String, Type,JsonConverter[])
Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using a collection of JsonConverter.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeObject(String, Type, JsonSerializerSettings)
Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using JsonSerializerSettings.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeObject<T>(String)
Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeObject<T>(String,JsonConverter[])
Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using a collection of JsonConverter.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeObject<T>(String, JsonSerializerSettings)
Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using JsonSerializerSettings.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeXmlNode(String)
Deserializes the XmlNode from a JSON string.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeXmlNode(String, String)
Deserializes the XmlNode from a JSON string nested in a root element specified by deserializeRootElementName.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeXmlNode(String, String, Boolean)
Deserializes the XmlNode from a JSON string nested in a root element specified by deserializeRootElementName and writes a Json.NET array attribute for collections.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeXmlNode(String, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Deserializes the XmlNode from a JSON string nested in a root element specified by deserializeRootElementName, writes a Json.NET array attribute for collections, and encodes special characters.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeXNode(String)
Deserializes the XNode from a JSON string.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeXNode(String, String)
Deserializes the XNode from a JSON string nested in a root element specified by deserializeRootElementName.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeXNode(String, String, Boolean)
Deserializes the XNode from a JSON string nested in a root element specified by deserializeRootElementName and writes a Json.NET array attribute for collections.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeXNode(String, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Deserializes the XNode from a JSON string nested in a root element specified by deserializeRootElementName, writes a Json.NET array attribute for collections, and encodes special characters.
Public methodStatic memberPopulateObject(String, Object)
Populates the object with values from the JSON string.
Public methodStatic memberPopulateObject(String, Object, JsonSerializerSettings)
Populates the object with values from the JSON string using JsonSerializerSettings.
Public methodStatic memberSerializeObject(Object)
Serializes the specified object to a JSON string.
Public methodStatic memberSerializeObject(Object, Formatting)
Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting.
Public methodStatic memberSerializeObject(Object,JsonConverter[])
Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a collection of JsonConverter.
Public methodStatic memberSerializeObject(Object, JsonSerializerSettings)
Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using JsonSerializerSettings.
Public methodStatic memberSerializeObject(Object, Formatting,JsonConverter[])
Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting and a collection of JsonConverter.
Public methodStatic memberSerializeObject(Object, Formatting, JsonSerializerSettings)
Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting and JsonSerializerSettings.
Public methodStatic memberSerializeObject(Object, Type, JsonSerializerSettings)
Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a type, formatting and JsonSerializerSettings.
Public methodStatic memberSerializeObject(Object, Type, Formatting, JsonSerializerSettings)
Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a type, formatting and JsonSerializerSettings.
Public methodStatic memberSerializeXmlNode(XmlNode)
Serializes the XmlNode to a JSON string.
Public methodStatic memberSerializeXmlNode(XmlNode, Formatting)
Serializes the XmlNode to a JSON string using formatting.
Public methodStatic memberSerializeXmlNode(XmlNode, Formatting, Boolean)
Serializes the XmlNode to a JSON string using formatting and omits the root object if omitRootObject is true.
Public methodStatic memberSerializeXNode(XObject)
Serializes the XNode to a JSON string.
Public methodStatic memberSerializeXNode(XObject, Formatting)
Serializes the XNode to a JSON string using formatting.
Public methodStatic memberSerializeXNode(XObject, Formatting, Boolean)
Serializes the XNode to a JSON string using formatting and omits the root object if omitRootObject is true.
Public methodStatic memberToString(Boolean)
Converts the Boolean to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(Byte)
Converts the Byte to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(Char)
Converts the Char to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(DateTime)
Converts the DateTime to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(DateTimeOffset)
Converts the DateTimeOffset to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(Decimal)
Converts the Decimal to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(Double)
Converts the Double to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(Enum)
Converts the Enum to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(Guid)
Converts the Guid to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(Int16)
Converts the Int16 to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(Int32)
Converts the Int32 to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(Int64)
Converts the Int64 to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(Object)
Converts the Object to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(SByte)
Converts the SByte to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(Single)
Converts the Single to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(String)
Converts the String to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(TimeSpan)
Converts the TimeSpan to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(UInt16)
Converts the UInt16 to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(UInt32)
Converts the UInt32 to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(UInt64)
Converts the UInt64 to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(Uri)
Converts the Uri to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(DateTimeOffset, DateFormatHandling)
Converts the DateTimeOffset to its JSON string representation using the DateFormatHandling specified.
Public methodStatic memberToString(String, Char)
Converts the String to its JSON string representation.
Public methodStatic memberToString(DateTime, DateFormatHandling, DateTimeZoneHandling)
Converts the DateTime to its JSON string representation using the DateFormatHandling specified.
Public methodStatic memberToString(String, Char, StringEscapeHandling)
Converts the String to its JSON string representation.
See Also